Thursday 9 June 2016

Seeing the whole heart - developmental biology

Stunning images of the whole developing vertebrate (Xenopus) heart should enable new understanding of the exquisite and tightly controlled process that are required to achieve the fully functioning heart chambers from what starts as a simple tube of muscle.

The lab of Tim Mohan -The Francis Crick Institute - used CyGEL Sustain to immobilise the delicate whole tissue for fluorescence microscopy.

Based on the core patented technology of CyGEL as a unique thermo-reversible mountant for live cells and tissues, CyGEL Sustain can be formulated with your culture medium of choice to achieve optimal conditions.  CyGEL gels upon warming above room temperature, gently immobilizing live objects for high-performance imaging. Simple cooling of CyGEL then allows non-destructive recovery of your precious living sample(s) for downstream onward development or orthogonal analysis.

Smith, Stuart J., et al. "The cardiac-restricted protein ADP-ribosylhydrolase-like 1 is essential for heart chamber outgrowth and acts on muscle actin filament assembly." Developmental biology (2016).
Find out more about CyGEL Sustain at:

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