Friday, 13 November 2020

Simple and effective cytotox assay on SOFI with DRAQ7

DRAQ7™ & Calcein AM - a simple cell viability / cytotoxicity assay 

Read about the front-line drug toxicity/cell viability assay using DRAQ7™ and Calcein-AM on Charted Scientific's SOFI imaging cytometer.  DRAQ7™ labels the dead/dying cells due to compromised plasma membranes while Calcein-AM labels the intact ones based on retained metabolic activity.
The collaboration with Koliber Biosciences and Charted Scientific benchmarked the performance of the assay on SOFI with the reference treatments (endotoxin LPS, lectin ConA, mitogen PWM) with known and predictable effects on MNCs.  The assay's simplicity is aided by the choice of these reagents; their low in-solution fluorescence permits a streamlined no-wash procedure.

In addition to the total cell numbers and live/dead ratios, since this is an image-based assay, cell-by-cell morphometrics are also available which although not used in the report may provide valuable indications of sub-lethal or idiosyncratic effects without duplication of cost, time and effort and guiding the subsequent analysis or development pathway.

Read the application note here: