Monday, 7 April 2014

DRAQ7 applied for live tissue ex vivo studies

DRAQ7 has been used to monitor cell viability in pancreas tissue slices .. 

See: Marciniak, Anja, et al. "Mouse Pancreas Tissue Slice Culture Facilitates Long-Term Studies of Exocrine and Endocrine Cell Physiology in situ." PloS one 8.11 (2013): e78706.

DRAQ7 is uniquely suited for such applications due to its verified ultra-low toxicity (as validated in Akagi, et al., 2013).

Lysis-free Bone Marrow Flow Cytometry

A Leukemia paper demonstrates use of CyTRAK Orange to allow lysis-free analysis of whole bone marrows.  

This nucleated cell gate was combined with BV421, FITC, PC-7, APC and APC-AF700 coupled antibodies.  Samples were analysed on a Navios flow cytometer.  Forward and Side Scatter parameters are preserved using CyTRAK Orange.

For details, see:
Mathis, S., et al. "Flow cytometric detection of dyserythropoiesis: a sensitive and powerful diagnostic tool for myelodysplastic syndromes." Leukemia 27.10 (2013): 1981-1987.
To order CyTRAK Orange for this application, quote CO50050 (50 ul) or CO50200 (200 ul).